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The book are written in Russian. If you get interested in a book, it can be translated into English.

    Helen Hagon, MA, PGCE, DipTrans, Literary translator and editor agreed to translate into English the first book  

Vicomte Gerard de la Pierre
an impostor.
Appalling 1500 year.
Fantasy novel.

B. Draguns

The approximate number of words 104 000

Proposed by the author version of the cover


35 figures,
for each chapter,
in this book

The hero gets an assistant from the future.
The hero (lieutenant, in the royal service) is sent with a mission to Toledo (the capital of Spain, at this time), where the hero miraculously manages to escape, at least prison, by deceiving the King of Aragon himself.
The hero is captured: Spanish spy. Major from the service of "control over movement in time." English spy, who, two years ago, the Hero took money. And Berber pirates, on the way to Italy. He is plundered by the Italian bandits and it is with great difficulty that he manages to return to France.
But the Hero fulfills the task assigned in the 21st century.
In the end, the Hero retires and remains in the Middle Ages.



1. France. Lapierre Castle. From the future came Karl Sikoza or KS for short.
At dinner, KS, in the presenceof all the people, called his full name: Alexander - Karl Sikoza Marquis de Roche.
The Marquis cannot be subordinate to me, I Viscount. I had to explain this for the KS.


2. France. Lapierre Castle. Together with KS, I went to explore the lake, under the castle.
Here, the KS said that the event due to which we are in this time should happen in this or next year, and not in decades, as I was told.


3. France. Lapierre Castle. Messengers galloped up with an order for me to go to the my boss.
My pregnant wife Marguerite, with tears, accompanied us to Toulouse

4. France. Lapierre Castle. I received the order to go to Toledo, the capital of Spain at that time.
The task is to bring a large amount of money, in cash (two thousand silver Spanish pesos).
I found some maps of Spain.

5. North of Spain. In the "Horseshoe" tavern, I suddenly heard very interesting information.
They talked about the North American Indians. It was because of them that I was sent back in time.


6. East of Spain. In the castle of the Marquis Juan de Creon, Pascal and I were captured.
But I met my acquaintance, the Englishwoman Katarina.
She turned out to be the mistress of this castle and, naturally, freed me and Pascal from captivity.


7. East of Spain. Katarina said amazing things.
She turned out to be the granddaughter of Vincent Dubois, a physician and the first person sent back in time.
But he got to France 78 years earlier than me. She promised to prepare a message from the past from her grandfather.


8. Spain. Not far from Toledo, at the Quiet Stream inn, we were ambushed.
They were waiting for me, that is, the person carrying the money. However, I hid them well, they were not found.


9. Spain. The entrance to the city of Toledo, across the Taho River, across the Alcatar Bridge, turned out to be like a huge keyhole.


10. Spain. The second interrogation in the basement was most likely attended by the King of Aragon himself.
But I didn't see him. I, of course, denied everything. They the money not found, but money was on me, under the chain mail.


11. France. Lapierre Castle. Why am I not crying to my wife? For the first time, I pissed off our Dr. Gertrude.
As it turned out, my wife has been helping Gertrude for a long time and she herself heals people.


12. France. Lapierre Castle. Messengers arrived with orders to go with them to Toulouse.
I didn't like something right away. But the document looked like a real one

13. France. On the way to Toulouse. The messengers turned out to be robbers or traitors. Tied me and my people.


14. France. On the way to Toulouse. The messengers fled and ambushed the road.
The leader turned out to be a Spanish spy.


15. France Toulouse. My boss, Captain Montparnier, decided to show off his horse.


16. France near Paris. Meeting with the major from the control department, to the time travels.
He was in my castle. He was looking for where we produce salt.
Didn't find it and blew up the lock. His apologized when I found out who I was.


17. France near Paris. I was taken prisoner by Baron de Gump, from whom I accidentally stole money two years ago.
This was done by the very Indians I was looking for.
He arranged an explosion to bury me. But he buried himself and the Indians.


18. France near Paris. I got to the castle of the Comte de Roscoe and met old acquaintances Louisiana and Lisa.


19. France near Paris. The count found workers to clean the pit after the explosion.


20. France near Paris. Castle of the Comte de Roscoe.
Louisiana, whom I saved two years ago, was afraid of all men, even her father, and she was not at all shy of me.


21. France near Paris. Castle of the Comte de Roscoe. Milk with a bun for breakfast. Lisa tried to please me.


22. France near castle of the Comte de Roscoe.
The workers, under the rubble, did not find anyone. They had to start digging muself.


23. France near castle of the Comte de Roscoe.I decided to burn the Indians at the stake in order to get rid of the bodies for sure.



24. South of France. Upon arrival in Toulouse, I received an order to go on reconnaissance in Italy.
I couldn't refuse. My were escorted and put on a ship.


25. Mediterranean Sea. Pirate ship, captured the ship I was sailing on. I was taken prisoner.
I set off an explosion. And barely managed to jump overboard


26. Italy. Near Naples. Meeting with the robbers who broke my kneecap and then robbed me.


27. South of Italy. Meeting with armed robbers. Peacefully they did not want to, they had to punish.


28. South of Italy. A resounding female voice commanded "Everyone drop their weapons."
Six archers were on her side.


29. South of Italy. Countess Ritchie's castle. Countess Richie's unexpected proposal is to make her a child.


30. South of Italy. Countess Ritchie's castle. Defending the property of the countess, my had to fight.
The guy was naturally strong, but he had no idea what it was to pump the press.


31. Italy near Naples Fencing in an Italian military camp, on a dare.
I put the carriage against their money. We needed money….


32. Italy. I had to sail to the ship of robbers.


33. Mediterranean Sea. Home, to France, by sea.


34. My castle was not. But there was a structure that was fencing off something with a high stone fence.


35. Two maids arrived from Italy with little ones, my children, accompanied by military guards.

End of the Viscount trilogy